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                         天津镀锌带钢制造总厂,工厂占地面积200余亩,东临天津外环、京津塘高速及天津港,西靠京沪高速,交通便利,具有的运输优势。现有员工500余人,是生产冷轧带钢、热镀锌带钢的专营企业。   公司配备国际先进水平的生产设备和精密仪器,年生产能力100万吨,产品执行国家及行业标准。多年来,公司在严格按ISO9000质量管理要求进行管理并组织生产的同时,注重产品品牌的创建, 经长期经营“宇润德”牌产品已被广大客商所,应用于建筑业、动力车辆业、家俱装置业、机械工业、容器制造业、包装业、电缆桥架等。同时根据企业的发展战略,在经营上我们始终秉承“品质为先,诚信为基;精益求精,共赢发展”的先进经营理念,与国内外众多客户和企业建立了长期的合作关系。公司技术力量雄厚,具有丰富的钢材生产加工制造经验,生产的产品品质优良,质量稳定,在市场经营中赢得了良好的商业信誉,并得到了政府的支持和。企业连续多年被评为守合同重信用单位和AAA级信用企业,并被天津市政府授予“天津市文明单位”等荣誉称号。 宇润德秉承“客户为尊,真诚服务”的理念,在保证产品质量的前提下,为广大客户提供热情周到的服务,用完善的管理体系为满足客户需求而不懈努力,我们愿以的商誉与各界朋友携手合作,共创辉煌! TIANJIN YURUNDE METAL PRODUCTS CO.,LTD is located at Nanhe industry garden, Xiqing district,Tianjin . Factory area is about 200 Chinese acres, traffic is very convenient. With over 500 staffs, the enterprise is professional to produce the cold-strip steel and hot galvanized steel coils. The company has the international advanced equipments and the precise instruments and the productivity is 1,000,000 tons per year, the product executes national and the professional standards. For many years, the company has strictly carried on the ISO9000 quality requirments to control and organize products, paid great attention on brand building. "YURUNDE METAL BRAND" has been widely approved by most merchants after the long-term management. Meanwhile according to enterprise's developmental strategy, we receives the advanced management idea of quality is first, intergrity is the base; "Strives for perfection, win-win together", and we have established the long-term cooperation with the domestic,foreign customers and the well-known enterprises. The company has tremendous technical power, and rich steels manufacture experiences. The products we produce are excellent and stable quality, so we have won the good commercial chance in the market, and received government's support and approval. Enterprise is continuously evaluated the Credit unit and the AAA level Credit Enterprise for many years and is awarded "the Tianjin Cultured and civilized work unit" titles of honor etc by Tianjin government. TIANJIN YURUNDE METAL PRODUCTS CO.,LTD carrys on the idea "the customer first, sincere service", basing on quality assurance's premise and providing the warm service for the general customers, obeying strict and principle management system to meet the customer need, we are willing to cooperate with personages of all circles to co-create splendent tomorrow by our highest reputation!

单位名称: 天津镀锌带钢制造总厂 单位类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 天津 单位规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
单位模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 铁矿粉,